
What does SEO-copywriter?

He who writes the lyrics for your input has the task (most often - the website address of the company, a list of keywords, a brief description of the company), and the output provides a prepared text of a given size in a HTML document.

The process of creating text - it works . Therefore it is not always possible to look at the computer screen of a man who is busy SEO-copywriting.

Technical stages of SEO-copywriter can be expressed as the following steps:
  1. Familiarity with the content and theme of the optimized site
  2. Of semantic core of the text (based on keywords)
  3. Searching for information on a particular subject
  4. Scheduling Articles
  5. Writing Text
  6. Proofreading, checking, monitoring occurrences of keywords
  7. Layout in HTML
  8. Highlight key words in the text
  9. Final Verification and Validation page HTML code