
How to choose a copywriter for SEO?

If you already have in mind a few specialists, it is the first and most important criterion when choosing - to view examples of work (portfolio) SEO-copywriter. Writing texts - is the flight of thought, so the style of different people can not just be good or bad, it can be different. Choose the one that has more to match your site.

The next object of study is, of course, the cost of work . It is important to be careful, because in each case the price of the text can be specified for 1000, 1800 or 2000 characters with spaces (with or without spaces). May be more than a simple formulation "for a page of text." In this case you should specify how much the author considers the signs page.

A few more features that will help with the selection, such as the recommendations of your colleagues or friends, a personal acquaintance with the SEO-copywriter can be considered optional. But, often, words of praise about a particular person, you hear from a reputable colleagues, can be outweighed all other parameters.

Finally, SEO-copywriter - is also a man who loves his job and loves the Internet. Write him a letter (check the ability and willingness to ask questions), communicate through ICQ, call him (famous and honest professionals do not hide your contact information.) You will make of it his own opinion , and it will help set the record straight «i» in choosing a SEO-copywriter. 

Website and SEO copywriter

Should the site be SEO-copywriter for top spot in the search results?
Simple answer to this question is not possible. On the one hand, it is believed that one skilled associated with search engine optimization, has to perform a kind of exemplary performance - have your own website on the top positions of search results in profile inquiries. It is known that the shoemaker without shoes - funny and strange.

On the other hand the very opposite opinion based on common sense. Why SEO-copywriter will promote your site to search engines? First, it is foolish waste of time. Second, customers are often optimized text - professional SEOs who know a few ways to find SEO-copywriter, except through a search engine. Thirdly, knowing people will use different channels to find a specialist in writing texts, including specialized forums, and announcements in newsletters and blogs, and advice from their peers.

Thus, no discovery site SEO-copywriter in first place in the search results can not talk about the lack of professionalism from the site owner. Examples to the contrary - many in different themes, for example, in the same subject of search engine optimization sites or related internet marketing. 

Explanation of SEO copywriter

Why SEO copywriter does not perform a full range of optimization, for example, of semantic core or identify topics for articles?
Because the life and health of your site the following specialists that conducts search promotion. SEO-copywriting - is a tool of online marketing. Let professionals decide when to use this tool.

The same goes with certain keywords that require text. Only the optimizer , which has a project knows what keywords to pull in the search engines with which words should be links from the articles posted on other sites, which keywords are low-frequency queries, and what - to the midrange. For more information. Click here .

Therefore, the task for the SEO-copywriter usually includes:
  • subjects
  • specific list of keywords
  • word for putting links
  • limit to the text
  • wishes to the style of writing
  • etc 

What is the purpose of a SEO-copywriting?

Explain what SEO-copywriting, we can easily call it the main goals and objectives:
  • improving the position of the document (and website) in search results
  • rapid and complete report required information to the reader
  • turning potential customers into active customers

But the utility of SEO-copywriting for your website is not limited to these important tasks.
Click here, to learn more about the advantages of SEO-copywriting. 

What else can help SEO-copywriting in promoting websites?

In some cases, the result of SEO-copywriting can not be content sections of the site, and feature articles to be placed on other web resources.

One of the most important ranking factors in search engines is the reference ranging (ie light of the text of incoming links to your site). Writing articles that are text links with certain keywords in the sections of your site, and posting them on sites of similar subjects will have a favorable impact on the citation index and a reference site ranking.

The same effects can be carefully built and within the same site (so-called internal perelinkovka pages ). In addition, the increase in the content on your site and regularly adding new materials also positively perceived by the search engines. 

Why so few pages of text?

The text for the site - it is not the text in the newspaper. Site visitor does not read, and looks . Internet users look skipped across your web page to find a clue. This "hook" can be:
  • title
  • subtitle
  • item in the list
  • italics or bold

But even after the reader to "like" released a line in the text on the page, it will not be completely carefully read the entire text, it will review its "diagonal". Of course, there are exceptions. Feature article on the profile web-site, which attracts its interesting and unique, to be read "from cover to cover." But most of all SEO-copywriting is used to obtain content for commercial sites.

Thus, we need to give the visitor the information in a minimum of text, which he still sees. This means that web pages should not be large in size, and each paragraph, and each sentence in the text to have the highest concentration of a complete thought. 

I have a website

I have a website, I know that for a good position in the search engines need content, but I do not understand the key words, will it help SEO-copywriting?

Help, but SEO-copywriting - is one element of search engine optimization site. Keywords needed to write text, must choose a specialist who is optimizing your website.

Compiling a semantic kernel is not dealing seo-copywriter and optimizer for two reasons:
  • optimizer should identify the keywords for which the positions in search engines are weak, optimized for writing text
  • optimizer should follow the plan of putting the external links to increase the reference ranking site and identify key words that will be placed in reference to the third site articles 

What does SEO-copywriter?

He who writes the lyrics for your input has the task (most often - the website address of the company, a list of keywords, a brief description of the company), and the output provides a prepared text of a given size in a HTML document.

The process of creating text - it works . Therefore it is not always possible to look at the computer screen of a man who is busy SEO-copywriting.

Technical stages of SEO-copywriter can be expressed as the following steps:
  1. Familiarity with the content and theme of the optimized site
  2. Of semantic core of the text (based on keywords)
  3. Searching for information on a particular subject
  4. Scheduling Articles
  5. Writing Text
  6. Proofreading, checking, monitoring occurrences of keywords
  7. Layout in HTML
  8. Highlight key words in the text
  9. Final Verification and Validation page HTML code 

What is SEO-copywriting?

Imagine that your site through which you sell products or offer services that are already in the top positions in search engines for a particular search. Your potential buyer - a search engine user - can be quite meticulous. He did not stop the choice on the very first line of search results. He will reveal several, say top 5 sites, and will choose.

What will be his surprise, and perhaps disappointment when it turns out that the text on the site it reads the same, boring, outdated. Patience can quickly end. And suddenly your site caught his attention header clearly saying that "this is exactly what you're looking for." User scanned text, it's easy to do, because the page, highlight key words, and important features delivered in bulleted lists. With gratitude in my heart for what he was not forced to spend time fishing for the necessary information from the continuous flow, our readers focused on a single paragraph. In this paragraph, in an easily accessible form was presented an interesting description of what he was looking for, with a few interesting facts.

"That's it," thought our potential buyer. Seeing that your business is on the market for over 7 years and what you offer not only free shipping, as most of its competitors, but also check out free personal manager, and a guarantee of 3 years (2 times more than the rest), our customer is ready to dial a telephone number on which he has kindly offered to call. Of potential, it turns into a real buyer.

SEO-copywriting - the process of creating just such texts for websites, through which this transformation takes place.

So, the page appeared in search results - so it is optimized for certain search terms. A visitor views a page and easily find the information you need - then the text on the page, prepared specifically for the web environment. A potential buyer commits directed actions (call, email, order, etc.) - then the text on the website prompts him to do so.

SEO-copywriting - is the creation of texts that meet three requirements:
  • search engine optimization
  • readability for visitors
  • motivation to be active readers
It is very important requirement - a unique interesting content . First of all, it will tell search engine robots that your site is present useful information, at what she does not like on other sites.

SEO Copywriting Tips

SEO copywriting is all about using keywords to get your content noticed. If you want to have your website acknowledged by the search engines you will need to use the right keywords.
SEO is not about randomly inserting researched keywords into content. The keywords must be inserted in a coherent manner so that the writing makes sense.
Knowing your keywords.
Before you can start writing your SEO content or order at some Article Writing Service, you must do some research on which keywords to use. It is important to realize that the more popular a key word is, the more competition there will be.
There are countless websites which are competing for a share of attention from popular search engines such as Google. A keyword that has the least amount of competition will be more likely to score a high search engine ranking.
However, Unpopular keywords have fewer sites using them, but they also have less people searching for them and will draw less traffic.
How often to use keywords
A common practice from SEO article writers is to cram their content full of keywords to maximise visibility on the search engines. An ideal number of keywords should be about 1.5% of the total word count.
Remember that the words presented have to be enticing to read, not just optimized for the search engines.
Whatever your reason for seeking out SEO copywriting, you should remember that quality content can usually get a high page ranking in the search engines.
Use your keywords sparingly, and just enough to make sure that your content is noticed.

A whole lot of Seo Services on one site

Hey dear Marketer!
With Write-Service you’ll receive a whole spector of services to kick ass your business ot a new level.
We provide all what you need just on one site, no need to go further.
Many other services just outsource our services and resell them to you by much higher price- Article Writing Service, Linkbuilding Service, Seo Analyses, Press Releases, Product Reviews and many other.
And as important as link building is, there are OTHER factors you
need to consider when promoting your website.
For example:
You’ve got a site up, you’ve built links and you’re getting
traffic.  But none of your visitors are clicking your ads or buying
your products!
Your *monetization* strategy is failing.
(Your sales/ad copy may not be compelling, ad placement might not
be attracting clicks, or the product you’re promoting might not be a
match for your site visitor’s needs.)
Or maybe you’ve built links but aren’t getting any traffic?!
The keyword you’re targeting is likely too competitive.
(You should work with keywords that have at least 100 searches per
day and under 100k competing sites in Google).
And there’s the whole gobbeldy-gook world of “social media” and
building your BRAND and leveraging INFLUENCE in your market?
(Use tools like Twitter search to find people talking about your
niche – then engage them with questions.)
Sometimes it’s made to seem too simple – put up a site, drive
traffic and “Bingo!”  We give it a shot and realize it’s not that
easy – there were a few chapters left out of that “how-to” manual!
(And sometimes it’s made to seem much more complicated than it
should be; this keeps people afraid of getting started).
But there *are* practical details one needs to do to cover the
bases of internet marketing.
What’s not practical is buying a course on each and every one of
* Search engine optimization
* Social media traffic generation
* Link building
* Keyword research
* Monetization strategies
* Email marketing
* Running viral campaigns
* Content creation
And on and on and on…
But there is ONLY ONE place where you are privy to everything I’ve
innovated, learned, developed, tested and verified.
I could try to “toot my own horn” and tell you how great
everything you’ll find ordering articles at our Article Writing Service or buying our Linkbuilding Services, no-BS style.
We will provide you with the top notch content that will help you to develop your websites in wide open niches,
optimize them, drive traffic to them and monetize them.
But there’s NO WAY I leave the info inside for newbies only.
No matter are you more advanced or need the basics. Our article writers will make wonders to your site, blog or whole business.
No need to wait anymore, there is one thing that is clear- you need quality content, you need backlinks, you need visitors who may be converted to buyers.
This is exactly what you will get ordering our writing and link building services.

SEO Analysis

Each website is quite different and needs a unique approach in SE optimization.
If you are interested in utilizing our in-depth knowledge and experience for getting a custom SEO solution which is tailored to your requirements, then we would surely welcome this opportunity to examine your site and niche to suggest a custom SEO solution for you.
Our complete package for SEO expert analysis includes the following:
Home page analysis – we will completely analyze your site homepage as it has major impact on your Search Engine rankings.
We will include this analysis in the report which will list the specific items which should be addressed for improving your site for achieving good SEO rankings.
We would like to mention here that this is not a ”FREE REPORT” as others offer for SEO analysis, as these free ones are done within few minutes using canned applications.
Ours is a completely manual analysis after which we draft a detailed report which is created by our SEO experts and this report is custom tailored for your specific needs.
Here we are listing few items which the detailed report will contain:
* Structure of blog or site
* Analysis of site content
* Site navigation
* Detailed analysis of inbound and outbound links
* Detailed overview of the usability of website
* Title tags
* Website domain
* Description of tags
* Meta keyword analysis
* Image naming structure
* Usage of HI, H2 headers
Keyword Analysis 
We will analyze your present keywords using our proprietary tools and will also suggest any additional keywords which you should add.
We will provide you with a keyword map containing 50 keywords.
For all those people who are aware of what they need, or may not need any analysis and would just want us to provide them with expert link building, we do provide them with following SEO Packages.